Thin layer for multi-domain network orchestration.
GUI and APIs for service composition.
NSM manages the service lifecycle.
Broker supports the control information exchange.
Secured service exchange and deployment using CA.
Multi-mode data-path establishment (IDCM/DPB).
Plug-n-play ETSI standard based APIs.
N. Uniyal, A. S. Muqaddas, D. Gkounis, A. Bravalheri, S. Moazzeni, F. Sardis, M. Dohler, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou,
5GUK Exchange: Towards Sustainable End-to-End Multi-Domain Orchestration of Softwarized 5G Networks,
Computer Networks, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2020.107297
2018 Gkounis, N. Uniyal, A. S. Muqaddas, R. Nejabati and D. Simeonidou, "Demonstration of the 5GUK Exchange:
A Lightweight Platform for Dynamic End-to-End Orchestration of Softwarized 5G Networks," 2018 European Conference
on Optical Communication (ECOC), Rome, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1109/ECOC.2018.8535288